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Scholarships and Internships

Below are some links to scholarship, internship, and fellowship opportunities targeted to Asian American students or focused on Asian/Asian American studies. This is NOT an exhaustive list, there are MANY other scholarships, internships, and fellowships available from various agencies and organizations.

Note: Although the AARCC website may include links providing direct access to other online resources, AARCC is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained in these sites. Please use caution when asked to submit personal information or payment without doing appropriate research on specific sites.



This page has links to supports AAPI students in a rewarding career in the medical and healthcare fields.

Against The Grain Scholarships
This production company awards scholarships to Asian American high school seniors, college undergraduates, and graduate school students.

AANAPISI Scholarship Program
This program works with Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions to provide scholarships at partner campuses.

Korean Ancestry Grants
These grants from The Dingwall Foundation are intended for Asian Americans, with a preference for those of Korean ancestry.

Asian Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund Scholarship
For details about APIASF’s scholarship programs or to apply, visit APIASF’s Web site at

Banatao Family Filipino American Education Fund
This scholarship is for those of at least 50% Filipino heritage pursuing degrees in engineering, mathematics, computer science, environmental, or physical science.

SEED Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship is for students of Asian-Indian heritage with at least one parent of Indian ancestry.

Asian Women in Business (AWIB) Scholarship

For details on the AWIB scholarship, please visit their website.

Everett and Florence Drumright Scholarships (UIC only)

Must be a UIC undergraduate student who is American-born of Chinese descent and have a GPA of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale. Up to 10 scholarships in the amount of $1,000 are available. Students from all majors may apply. Contact the Office of International Affairs (312-996-5455), deadline is in the spring.

Japanese American Citizens League

JACL offers scholarships and fellowships for incoming and current college students. Must be a member to apply.

Korean American Scholarship Foundation

KASF offers a variety of scholarships for Korean students. Contact: Dr. Suk Hun Lee, Chair, Scholarship Committee, KASF Mid-Western Region;

South Asian Journalists Association Scholarship

SAJA and SAJA Group Inc offers scholarships to both undergraduate and graduate students. Applicants must be of South Asian descent OR demonstrate an interest in South Asia or the diaspora; and serious about pursuing journalism as a career.

Asian American Journalists Association Scholarship

The Chicago chapter of AAJA offers scholarship/internships each year to college students or recent graduates interested in pursuing a career in journalism. Other opportunities are available at the national level.

National Asian Pacific American Bar Association

The NAPABA Law Foundation Scholarships are awarded each fall to law students who demonstrate a commitment to contribute to the Asian Pacific American community as future leaders. Deadline is September.

Best Colleges list of Scholarships for Pacific Islander Students

A collection of numerous scholarships available to students who identify as Pacific Islander.

Scholarships and Resources for Minority Graduate Students

For information on these types of scholarships, please click this link

Scholarships for which U.S. citizenship or residency is not explicitly required

For information on these types of scholarships, please click this link.

Resources for Undocumented Students

Best Colleges list of resources for Undocumented Students

U.S. scholarships for undocumented students are virtually non-existent — they are fraught with too many legal hazards for both sponsors and schools who would accept their funds. However, there are a number of organizations dedicated to helping undocumented students obtain residency and student status in the U.S.

Scholarships information for International Students

The Office of International Services (OIS) maintains a page of scholarships for international students.

For High School Seniors Only

Asian Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund

Gates Millennium Scholars Program


U.S. Pan Asian Chamber of Commerce

Scholarships For Studying Abroad

UIC Office of International Affairs

509 University Hall,

(312) 355-3175 or

Has various scholarships for undergraduates and graduates interested in study abroad programs in Asia.

UIC Study Abroad

502 University Hall

(312) 413-7662

Scholarships for all minority students

Link to list of scholarships for minorities

Link to list of scholarships for minorities in accounting

UIC Financial Aid and Scholarship Resources

UIC Scholarships
1200 West Harrison St. Suite 1800
(312) 413-1066

UIC Office of Student Financial Aid

1800 Student Services Building
(312) 996-3126

U&I Care Emergency Fund

U&I Fund Qualifications and Application Process

Temporary, short-term financial assistance to currently enrolled students who are unable to meet essential expenses due to a temporary or unexpected hardship. This emergency funding program is designed to offer financial assistance to students in the form of one-time awards (typically not exceeding $2500). Emergency funding is NOT intended to provide ongoing relief for recurring expenses. Decisions regarding disbursement of funds are made on a case-by-case basis.

Asian American Internships and Fellowships

Chicago Area

Asian American Institute Impact Fellows Program

The Impact Fellows Program is an intensive six-week summer leadership program seeking to develop young civic-minded leaders interested in working in the Asian Pacific American community in Chicago. The goal of IFP is to develop a pipeline of young leaders who will make an impact in the Asian Pacific American community by becoming aware of social issues and engaged in civic participation.

Asian American Journalists Association Scholarship/Internship

The Chicago chapter of AAJA offers scholarships/internships each year to college students interested in pursuing a career in journalism. Other opportunities are available at the national level.

Council on American-Islamic Relations

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights organization. The organization’s mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. Internships at CAIR-Chicago offer students and activists a great opportunity to learn, interact, and grow in a friendly and diverse environment.


Best Colleges List of Scholarships & Grants for Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders

Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS)

  • APAICS offers fellowships for graduate students in a range of fields. Programs are designed for individuals who are committed to Asian Pacific Islander American communities and who plan to pursue careers in public service. Application deadline: mid February.
  • Summer Internship Program in Washington , DC .
    Every summer, APAICS invites college students to experience working in Congress and federal agencies. Interns will receive a total stipend of $2,500. Application deadline: end of January


The APIAVote Internship Program strives to encourage and cultivate young AAPI student leaders to explore a career in the public sector or the political arena. This internship program will also provide hands on experience and training on how to organize and implement voter activities to increase the participation of AAPIs in the electoral process.

Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership

CAPAL’s scholarships are awarded to outstanding Asian Pacific American students committed to public service and community action. CAPAL Scholars are awarded $2,000 scholarships to support their successful completion of an internship in Washington, DC.

International Leadership Foundation

ILP awards internships to help Asian Pacific American college students who will be future leaders better understand the workings of American government. Each ILF Fellow spends eight weeks during the summer working for a federal government agency in Washington, DC. See website or call 202-531-5031.

OCA National

OCA Internships are in Washington DC at their National Office, Capitol Hill, federal agencies, and non-profits. Most are in the summer but there are some opportunities year-round to learn firsthand about national issues and policies that affect Asian Pacific Americans.

See website or call 202-223-5500.

National Directory of Scholarships, Internships, and Fellowships for Asian American and Pacific Islander Students

An educational directory presented by the Asian American Studies Program at the University of Maryland, Japanese American Citizens League, and Organization for Chinese Americans; sponsored by State Farm. Scholarships

The following scholarships are $500 awards that will be accepting applications now through July 1st:

Note: Although the AARCC website may include links providing direct access to other online resources, AARCC is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained in these sites. Please use caution when asked to submit personal information or payment without doing appropriate research on specific sites.

UIC Internship and Fellowship Resources

Office of External Fellowships
601 South Morgan St., 800 UH, MC 115
(312) 355-2477

Office of Career Services
3050 Student Services Building

Business Career Center (for CBA students)
1100 University Hall

Engineering Career Center
818 Science and Engineering Offices

Student Employment Office
3050 Student Services Building

LAS Career Development and Internships

519 University Hall
(312) 996-0425