Virtual AARCC

Students, staff, and faculty looking to engage and be with UIC Asian American community can visit Virtual AARCC, where folks can drop in and say hello, interact with AARCC staff and others, learn more about our center, and be with community between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. from Monday through Friday. Please note that staff availability may be limited during these hours, but we will address your inquiries or assist you as soon as possible.
To join, visit
UIC students, staff, and faculty must use their UIC credentials to join. (Alumni and other visitors must request access by emailing To create a more inclusive and safe space, all guests must abide by AARCC Community Standards, UIC student behavior policies, and UIC campus policies. No inappropriate behavior will be tolerated. By entering Virtual AARCC, guests accept these expectations and consent to necessary recordings by AARCC staff for documentation.